Monday, November 15, 2010


Today was kind of a rough day, for a lot of reasons, and not just because it's Monday and we woke up to an inch of snow on the ground... yuck! Nick and I have both been having a tough time today, and while I was driving home today, I decided to tell my self everything I am thankful for. You know, since Thanksgiving is next week and all :)

I am thankful for my friends. At one point today, I had to ask a really good friend to do a favor for me. They dropped everything they were doing to  help me, and then thanked ME for letting them help. We have the best friends in the world.

I am thankful for my in-laws. All of them.. mom, dad, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews.. yep! Last night I sat on the floor with Nick, Mom, Dad and Lisa and played a game, and laughed 'til I cried :) I totally scored, marrying into this crazy Thurman family.

I am thankful for MY family, who.. above all else.. gave me a wonderful sense of humor and a huge capacity to love. They're my best friends.

I am thankful for my job. To have a job. And, luckily, to work with awesome people and a boss who listens to Christmas music before Thanksgiving :)

I am thankful for food. I love to cook. It sounds silly, but when the day was crazy and stressful, I love to come home and have control in at least one aspect of my life. Though I probably need to stop so I can lose some weight!

I am thankful for my primary kids.. even though they bounce off the walls and drive me crazy. They teach me great things every Sunday, like telling me that they sing primary songs so that Jesus can hear them. He likes those songs the best.

I am thankful for prayer. That no matter what is going on, I can talk to Someone who knows what I'm going through better than anyone else. Someone who loves me more than I can possibly imagine.

I am thankful for vanilla candles. And a clean fridge. And discounted apple turnovers at Smith's. And socks. And business cards. And post-it notes. For little things.

I am thankful for a car that works, even if I had to dish out wayyy too much money that we don't have to fix it today.

I am thankful for photography. For the opportunity to meet new people, to capture who they are, to do what I love, to learn more about it.

And yes, in case you thought I forgot, I am grateful for my best friend. Who goes to work every single day, despite what an awful job it is, and works for our family. Who smiles for me. Who sacrifices his free time for me. Who holds my hand EVERYWHERE we go.. and not just because we're "newlyweds".. it was part of the fine print. Who likes crunchy peanutbutter... and cream cheese, but only on bagels. Who is at a homeless shelter right now, doing electrical work late at night in the cold. Who loves to be with me, more than anyone else.

Those are a few of the things I'm thankful for today, on a day I did not feel even a little bit like being thankful.


  1. Can I just say how much I admire you! Thanks for this post. It got me thinking I need to be aware of all the blessings around me. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

  2. I too get to shell out a bunch of money we don't have to fix the car. YAY! Can we say DI Christmas?

  3. I am going to get the little smiley book that I scored by sitting next to you this summer at enrichment and write 5 things I'm thankful for. Thanks for the reminder:)

  4. Aww :) I love my cousin. Yes, that means you. And you can be thankful for that too ;). Why can't I help myself??? Im thankful for you being an amazing photographer who was able to capture memories we will treasure forever. I hope things get better Erica!
