Sunday, March 18, 2012

21 weeks

i need to start posting photos of my pregnant self, as per an out-of-state friend's request! i'll take it at night, though, because that's when i'm actually showing... kind of :) or maybe it's just dinner. either way....

i stole these from a really cute girl's blog... she posted a photo of herself and these questions every week, and i thought that was a fun way to keep track of everything. i'll post a photo tomorrow (maybe!).

at our ultrasound on monday we found out i might be a week or two ahead, so i could be anywhere from 21-23 weeks... i'm not sure yet! for now i'll stick with 21 :) though i definitely would not mind being further ahead!

(update: here's a photo! ignore the basketball shorts, unmade bed and clothes on the floor behind me... it's the photo that counts, right?!)

see? a cute little bump! i'll have nick take another one sometime at night, when i look more pregnant.

updated update! a photo of me at night... when i have a bigger bump... or more dinner in me :) the lighting was kind of bad, so i black-and-whited it. hope this works!

how far along? 21 weeks.
total weight gain/loss: 6 pounds up from my pre-pregnancy weight. i lost ten in the first trimester, so it's nice to finally be back to normal and gaining weight.
maternity clothes? not yet! i tried some on, but they were huge on me. so i'm still wearing jeans w/ a rubberband until about 8 or 9 at night, and then i change into more comfy sweats. the stretchier shirts are nice, though!
stretch marks?: not yet. (knock on wood)
sleep?: was great, until a week ago when i did something to majorly injure my inner hip (whatever that area is called? my pelvis?). so i started sleeping with a pillow propped in between my legs and it is heaven. i've been sleeping so well i don't even get up to pee 20 times :) i'm going to try getting a body pillow tomorrow.
best moment this week?: finding out our little kreacher is a boy! one of the happiest moments ever, just knowing. that, and seeing grey on the ultrasound screen. he is perfect! and nick being so amazed at how much he moved around. it was almost as fun to watch nick as it was to watch grey :) oh! and erin getting him his first outfit! baby clothes... SO cute!
miss anything?: being able to put on pants or move my right leg without crying, haha. hopefully that passes! but i majorly miss subway and dr. pepper. mmm...
movement?: all the time. especially at night, which i hear is common, and when i play music in the car. oh, and when pokey crawls onto my stomach. they're going to be good friends.
food cravings?: still just sour candy. and fries, but i've always loved fries. anything salty and unhealthy is delicious :) i find myself snacking a ton throughout the day, usually on healthy things, though.
anything making you queasy or sick?: not so much, anymore. i'm slowly easing back into sugary foods, which grossed me out for a while. it's nice not feeling queasy anymore :)
have you started to show yet?: at night i get a cute little bump! other than that, not so much. i'm feeling chubby, but not noticeably pregnant. i'm excited for that, though!
labor signs?: haha, not even close. thank goodness!
belly button, in or out?: still in, although i noticed the other day that it's not nearly as deep as it used to be. weird!
wedding ring, on or off?: still on!
happy or moody?: definitely happy! i got super emotional my first trimester, but i've mellowed out and become more normal.
looking forward to: painting grey's room within the next week or two! i'm really excited to get started on that nursery!

if you made it through all of that, good work! so exciting, i know :) but i'm excited to see what changes and what stays the same. 



  1. You go girl, you can COOK! ;) Love reading your updates!

  2. That is so exciting! I love the questions idea...I will have to steal that when I have a second baby someday. :)
