Monday, April 9, 2012


whenever i clean or fold laundry, even edit sometimes, i turn on a tv show or music. i don't like quiet (probably because i grew up in a house of noisy people). last week while i was folding a particularly large pile of laundry, i decided i'd try watching "lost". i know, i know... even nick told me it got pretty lame and he only made it through the first three or four seasons. my parents didn't even make it to the end of season 2. so we'll see how it goes.

but right now...

... i'm hooked.

i'm about six episodes away from being done with season one. SO intense. i need to stop watching it at night, though. for a pregnant woman who is already having crazy dreams... not so good :)

but still a really fun show! has anyone watched all six seasons? or started? what'd you think?


  1. That's too funny. I was addicted to lost when I was pregnant with porter. I love that show.its amazing!!

  2. I watched it clear to the bitter end... and LOVED it. I was so addicted but everyone made fun of me for it... none of my family made it past season three. I still love that show to this day.
