Sunday, October 30, 2011

our house

oh man, i can't believe in a few weeks we will be in a house. we're unbelievably excited and it still seems unreal that we can afford to live in a house, and that we got our dream house.

eventually we'll be posting our own photos. it's a super nice house, but there are so many little project we want to do (we walked through the house today with a measuring tape and a notepad). especially nick, who already has dreams of how he wants everything wired and such :) it's a fun house.

we'll let everyone know when the moving day is, for those of you that want to help. after that we're going to have an official cookie bake to break the place in... and all of you are welcome over any time in between :) for those of you that haven't seen it yet or won't for a little while, here are the photos that were on the website. i think they do the house justice. the only thing we were surprised about was the backyard.. it's much bigger than we thought, and it has a cute wooden playhouse :)

like i said, we're smitten with this house. here are some photos! (you can click on them to make them bigger, i'm too lazy to change them all.)