Monday, January 24, 2011

seven little letters

dear school: i love you. i'm glad to be back. but a huge exam the third week of school is a little excessive, dontcha think? regardless, i look forward to spending all day in the library tomorrow. weird? yeah.

dear food: i love you more than school. don't tell school. i'm trying to love you less, though, so my body will love me more. especially you darn, delicious high acid foods that are giving me ulcers. but still. i base my week around what delicious meals i will make. this week is paninis, artichokes with red pepper aoli, and spinach turkey bacon wraps. cheap, healthy and delish!

dear parents: thanks for feeding me tonight. ham hocks and beans are one of my favorite meals ever. hopefully you didn't get me sick. also, i don't appreciate getting my butt kicked at hearts. try to be nicer next time, please.

dear friends: thank you for making soup excitement so.. exciting. this will absolutely have to be a tradition. you guys make me laugh so hard that tears come out of my eyes. it's a good, healthy kind of laughing. thank you for taking care of me.

dear feet: stop being cold.

dear nick: you're my best friend, even though i see things like work and school more than i see you. i love you. and cuddling with you. and having crazy spy, secret agent dreams where we're cool. good thing we're cool in real life, too. like really. thanks for keeping my feet warm and letting me talk your ear off.

dear camera: thank you for being my friend and trying all sorts of new things with me. we've become really close in the past year or so, and i'm becoming a little obsessed with you (don't worry, nick's okay with it). i'm excited to go on a fun, far-away trip this year and take you with me. let's hang out more.

Monday, January 17, 2011

natural light

These were all taken within the last week (part of the 365 project). And all taken in our apartment, in the morning. Can I just say, there are few things I love more than the huge windows in our front room and all the natural light that floods in through them. Makes for beautiful photos that need no editing :)

PS- Nick took the one of Garn and Maya while Heidi and I were at a relief society meeting. Aren't they cute? Nick's a pro. Can you read what her shirt says? Cute :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

07 january 2011

I promise, I am doing the photo every day... chances are I won't post every day of photos, though. I'll spare you our week of sickness where we shot nerf guns and cleaned our office for entertainment :) I'll make sure to just post the cool ones. And an occasional weird one, don't worry.

Garn's little sister, Angelique, needed some head shots. So we headed out into the sunny but freeeeeezing weather to see what we could get. Um, she's gorgeous, first of all. But the first thing we saw when we got out of the car was this:

So, naturally, we had to take photos in front of it :)

Um, yeah. Can I just do photography full-time (with Nick, of course)? I'm pretty sure my life would be complete :) There are a few more shots of her here. One of my favorite sessions.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

from 2010 to 2011

It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd give a quick update. (By the way, isn't it cool that a "while since I posted" is only a week compared to earlier last year when I didn't post for months at a time.. look at me go!).

Christmas and New Years were really fun... I love the "traditions" our little family is developing, and the time we get to spend with both our families who are so close. Due to our dead tree, Christmas came down as soon as possible this year :) As much as I LOVE decorating for Christmas, there's something equally nice about cleaning up from Christmas. Nick was really excited to just have a normal work/school schedule again (silly Nick, I know...), so it's been kind of nice getting into the normal swing of things.

We don't really set New Years resolutions... for the past little while we've been trying to make small, monthly goals that- in the long run- will get us where we want to be. A house. We were hoping for last year, but with my long unemployment, and Nick's struggles with this credit/IRS fiasco (thanks Brian ;)), it didn't happen. So we're making smaller goals to make it a reality this year. Including cutting back COMPLETELY on unnecessary spending. No fast food. No toys. No movies. Nada. At first I was a little worried.. what about dates and things like that? However, that same night, Nick set up a bunch of small toys on top of the TV by our bed, grabbed our Nerf guns and ammo, and we spent a good half hour shooting down targets and various things around the apartment. Sooooo... entertainment won't be a problem, since we both have the mentalities of children :)

The only other big change this year will be how little we see each other. With both of us in school now (both night classes) and working, our schedules are packed full. We'll see each other on the weekends, but even then, not often. Nick, for example, is working every single day this week, aside from Sunday. So yeah... it'll be good in the fact that we'll both be able to remain focused on school and work, but we might miss each other a little. Oh well, we'll always have our nerf guns...

And yes, I'm still doing the 365 days project. Although, due to our incessant sickness (we're ALMOST done being sick, I can feel it...), they've been REALLY boring photos. Like cleaning. Or smoothies. Or targets and nerf guns. Yeah. Someday they'll be more artsy, but for now that's all I've got :) I'll make sure to post the photos soon, so I don't get behind.