Tuesday, January 24, 2012

you know it's a sick day when...

- you're dressed like a homeless person.

- you don't smell that great, but you don't particularly care.

- you make yourself a huge to-do list (because hey, if i'm going to be home all day... right?)

- and are lucky that you checked two things off. (okay, so far just one, but i swear i'll do at least one more)

- you keep talking to your cat.

- you keep calling your husband because you miss him and you want him to come home and how terribly inconvenient it is that he's off earning a living for your family...

- unless you have had a drink of cold water in the last 30 seconds, you no longer have a voice.

- you are sitting next to an empty bag of cheetos.. (this is just getting more and more embarrassing...)

- you decided to blog because you've had no human contact all day & the cat got sick of you and left a while ago...

(if you're still my friend, thank you!)

oh, and because i promised a photo yesterday, but still haven't uploaded photos from my real camera yet, here are some phone photos... you're welcome. (ps- i promise i'm not a cat person, despite what photographic evidence may say...)

best mexican food of my life. best salsa, too. mmm....

this really is from december, before we moved. we don't still have christmas up...

temple :)

dad will be a good grandpa.

heh. this is nick pulling out of the garage without moving his work truck. that's one of the only things we like about carl... he's a tiny car, so we can do stuff like this. and nick's a stunt driver. that helps too.

pinterest craft, to the rescue. erin & i made a vow to have a monthly craft night. one month down, infinite months to go. (these are monster bookmarks, by the way! heidi's are the two on top, erin's are the two in the middle, mine are the bottom two. yay!)

this was today. so lazy... don't know where he gets it from...

Monday, January 23, 2012

ta da!

some thoughts on a wintry january evening...

- i have THE best husband. he's getting me wingers wings right now. after working ten hours. i didn't even ask him to. he just knows.

- we finished the old testament last night. we've also read scriptures together EVERY night for about three years. we're pretty awesome. (and the old testament was hard, i'm not gonna lie...)

- baby is easing up on the nausea. we don't like referring to him/her as "it" so we've been calling him/her "kreacher". maybe having a name made kreacher decide to stop making me sick. thank you, kreacher.

- on a related note, we also finished the harry potter series. now we just need to watch the last two movies.

- having a cold sucks. having a cold/sore throat/everything while pregnant sucks more.

- but it also means i'm taking tomorrow off of work, so there may be some posts with photos. that's happy, right? RIGHT?!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

week eleven

thoughts on being pregnant...

- i can cook again! yay! still can't handle doing dishes, but i'm an excellent cook :)

- i can smell everything. i don't remember if i said that last time (i don't remember a lot of things...) but i can smell EVERYthing. not just in our office, but in our building. unfortunately, this is usually  not a good thing.

- the baby only likes healthy food. salads... i'm obsessed with salads, and i'm not usually a salad person. every fruit, every vegetable. tastes like heaven. this is probably a good thing. but then when i try to eat something tasty, like a cookie, i get sick to my stomach. lame, baby. lame.

- oh, but he/she does like cheetos. bless your tiny little heart.

- for some reason milk has been grossing me out. unless it's chocolate milk. another kindness the baby has granted me.

- i've stopped losing weight, which is good :) i have another appointment next week, so hopefully i'll be back up to where i was a couple of months ago.

- we've finally started agreeing on more names. we found a boys name yesterday that we both loved and didn't know we did. so this is good :) i'm not dreading that process anymore.

- ummmm... that's all, folks! i really will post photos soon! i've been trying to be better at taking them.