Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Not cool

Bleh.. I was looking on our online bank statement today (thank goodness for that!) and found someone had spent nearly $500 from Nick's card. All of it was in California, for all sorts of random things. I freaked out and ran to the bank, where they assured me that we would get all the money back, and they'd cancel his card, order a new one.. blah blah blah.

I just have to wait until tomorrow, because the big chunks of what they spent haven't gone through yet.. they're pending. So now I'm patiently waiting for someone to spend my money so that I can report it. Yuck!!

(Poor Nick just can't get a break.. fraud, fraud and more fraud...)

PS! Not to worry.. we're still happy and loving life :D Just inconvenienced by the stupidity of others.


  1. What the holy crap??? Did Nick lose his card or something? I can't believe it!!! I wonder if a credit score can go into the negative column, because at this point, Nick's is headed for the sewer:(

  2. No, I have NO idea how someone got our info.. so weird, huh? Yeah, his score is so HIGH that they can't even give it to us.. crazy! Poor Nick!

  3. Is there a way to catch them, like looking at the surveilance video's of when they used the card? Poor Nick.

    Kenny and I decided to get a second credit card so if our other card doesn't work we'll have a back up card. When Kenny got the envelope in the mail with his new card, we saw that someone had opened the envelope just enough to slip his card out and copy the credit card number. We had to call the bank and cancel our brand new card.

    Fraud sucks!
