Friday, October 26, 2012

"we're pretty damn funny"

my brother scott has a blog in which he writes about good friends of his. he definitely got his writing talents from my dad.. something that i missed out on. i hadn't ever read his blog, until tonight. one of the posts was about my grandma, who passed away almost two months ago. the post itself was wonderful, and very sweet. but one part of it totally cracked me up. it was worded perfectly.. i love it, scotty :)

My dad's side of the family is pretty intense. We're loud, but not rowdy, or rambunctious, we are just loud. We talk loud. We laugh loud. We have differing political views. We're all incredibly good looking. We love good food, and company. We come across a little too strong some times, but we're super loving. We debate, but never hate. We're together all the time. We make jokes about everything. We tell all the stories to everyone. Not in a gossipy way. Just because we're pretty damn funny. It's just what we do. Some people don't have the luxury of having close relationships on a personal level with ALL their aunts, uncles and cousins. I do. I could walk in the front door of any of their houses and start drinking the milk out of their fridge and it wouldn't seem out of the ordinary. I love my family. If you think I have good friends, you wouldn't BELIEVE how great my family is. Quirky. Easy to please. Smart people. Loving. Savage. That's us.

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