Thursday, October 14, 2010

cross your fingers

Okay, so I just went in for a job interview today. Keep in mind that after 50+ applications and resumes sent in the past two/three months.. this was my second interview. Yeah. Depressing.

Anyway, I've just started applying everywhere. Last week I got an e-mail from a guy at this mortgage company in American Fork who had received my resume and wanted to meet for an interview. I was stoked. I didn't hear back from him after that, though, so I kind of gave up on it and didn't think too much of it.

Wednesday, he e-mails me back and wonders if I'm still interested. Yes!! So we met this morning for an interview and oh man.. this job could not be more perfect for me. Seriously, my past two jobs could be bundled up into this job.. I am perfect for it! I told him that, in fact :) He seemed really happy with everything, and was jubilant with my graphic design and sales experience at the Daily Herald for two years.

Anyway.. he has two more interview today and two tomorrow. So I'm basically saying lots of little prayers that.. they all bomb their interviews! Haha, okay, not really, but I realllllly want this job and am going to pray like a crazy person that I get it. (Won't it be sad when my next blog post is to report I didn't get the job? haha.)

On a slightly happier note, look what I came home to last night (after school, a meeting at BYU, a photo shoot and relief society..)...

... on the table with candles, dinner on the stove, and a "chocolate overload" ice cream in the freezer. Yeah.. he's a keeper :)

(Wish me luck!)

PS- I sent a quick e-mail after the interview, just telling him I appreciated him taking the time to meet with me, I'm really impressed with their company, and look forward to hearing back from him about the job. He e-mailed me back minutes later and said, "I felt like your interview went really well.  You have great qualifications, and a personality that fits what we’re looking for." Yayyyyyy... still not for sure, but it's sounding pretty good, right?? Here's hoping...


  1. I am prayin for you too! Beautiful roses. I may have to sneak into your place and eat some of that ice cream ;)

  2. You are probably too good for their job, so they need to hire you so you can whip their mortgage butts into shape!!! Since they've caused you lots of drama, I shall say "BREAK A LEG" and hope they don't torture you any longer!!!
